Mediation Consulting:

Mediation consulting is a service Ms. Campbell provides to assist individuals who already have a mediator. As a mediation consulting attorney, Ms. Campbell represents only one individual in the process and provides advice on topics as client’s request. That request could be for advice about current discussions in mediation or to review a draft final agreement. You may have a question about a proposal. Or perhaps the mediator suggested you speak to an attorney.

Ms. Campbell advises consulting clients to help them make an informed decision in the mediation process. Because a mediator represents neither party it is wise for each spouse to get individual legal advice before signing any final agreements. As a mediation consulting attorney, I perform that limited role. My work in this capacity most commonly includes reviewing the disclosures, a draft agreement, and meeting with the client to help ensure they understand the compromises they are making, the agreement being proposed and whether it is a reasonable compromise in light of the bigger picture. This very limited role reduces costs and provide what many clients view as a reality check in their mediation process.