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Our Family In Two Homes (OFTH) Resource

A Resource Package that combines the knowledge of a collaborative family lawyer and a comprehensive workbook, so you can reach a separation agreement that works for your family.

Our Family In Two Homes (OFTH) RESOURCE

The “Our Family in Two Homes” Resource Package can help you and your former partner face difficult decisions in a family-friendly way. Many couples want to improve their communication after separation so they can focus on their children’s well-being.

Communication challenges are common with separating couples, but healthy communication is vital to making a healthy transition to two homes. We can help you work together.

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ofth book

This package includes a workbook and resource cards to help you accomplish the following goals:

1. Highly Tailored Legal Advice:

Our Family In Two Homes is a divorce resource that helps families understand some basic information about themselves before they begin the divorce process. This understanding yields better, longer-lasting decisions. The values exploration helps reveal what is most important to you in making major decisions. It also helps shed light on how you interact. It also examines how each of you sees the state of the trust between one another. You can choose to share the information or not. It is designed to help you better understand what values are most important to you as we begin the divorce process.

2. Basic co-parenting information

The resource also provides basic information regarding co-parenting, including suggested topics and information you will want to include in your co-parenting conversations and written plan.

3. Basic income sharing information

Income sharing (including both child and spousal support) are also explained in greater detail including the child support calculation methodology and the spousal support statutes. The information is designed to ground you in some basic facts before we delve deeper into these conversations.

My office provides the following benefits:

1. Highly Tailored Legal Advice:

  • Minimizes the costs of legal help by prioritizing the legal advice you need and desire most.
  • Empowers you to focus on and learn about the divorce issues most relevant to your family.
  • Tailor the legal advice and provide other resources to meet your unique needs.

2. Legal and Interpersonal Information:

  • Explains basic California law on custody, parenting plans, child support, spousal support, and property division.
  • Explores and addresses your conflict approach and trust challenges.  When spouses are more engaged they create sustainable results.
  • Promotes more effective communication for healthier future interactions and/or co-parenting moving forward.

3. Values:

  • Identify and prioritize values: Financial stability?  Raising children?  Living within a particular spiritual or religious tradition?  Health concerns?  Long-term career goals?
  • Ensure all proposed divorce-related resolutions are guided by their personal north star.

Why? What matters the most to me?

You might think you know what you want. Often times clients true desires are hidden under repeated hurts or struggles that occurred during their marriage. Clients who have used this resource repeatedly share that it revealed information they did not recognize as so important. It helped them better align their decision-making with the values they hold most dear. It also helps both spouses better understand how decisions have been made historically and what changes might need to occur for decisions in this process.

Couples who have been married for some time may not realize how many compromises they made including in those values that guide their decisions. As you untangle it is important to determine what values each of you holds dear so you can make decisions based on that and not the joint values on which each of you likely compromised during the marriage. That individual clarity creates agreements that are much more durable.


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How to tell the kids

One of the hardest things about separation is telling your children. It is vital that parents work together to help children understand the situation, without blame.

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Methods of Communication

One of the hardest things about separation is telling your children. It is vital that parents work together to help children understand the situation, without blame.

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Trust in Workable Parts

Trust may feel irreparably broken when your relationship ends. But it is possible to repair if you break it down into the parts you need for effective co-parenting. Learn how the “Our Family in Two Homes” Resource Package can help.

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Parenting from Two Homes

When going through a separation, you may find that you and your former partner can resolve some things rather easily, but really struggle with other issues. The “Our Family in Two Homes” Resource Package helps you tackle the things you can handle on your own, while ensuring you get excellent professional help for the areas of struggle.