How Long Does a Divorce Process Take?

Rings laying on divorce paper that is torn in half.

When starting your divorce journey, it can be confusing and overwhelming. It can also feel like you have very little control over your own life. Predicting the duration of a divorce is very difficult because so many factors influence that answer. However, understanding the variables over which you have control, allows you to minimize the…

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Help! My Spouse Is Hiding Money From Me

Woman hiding money in closet

I commonly hear this from scared clients in the beginning of a divorce. Fears your spouse hid money is a common and stressful fear. As an experienced Certified Family Law Specialist* practicing in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties, I know that the court requirements go a long way towards ensuring that all financial data…

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What Are the Advantages of Divorce Mediation?

Book with family law and mediation on it

Many couples are unaware that divorce mediation offers several advantages over traditional court litigation. It is often less costly and more efficient. Here are some of the key benefits of using divorce mediation: Working Together: Mediation encourages couples to cooperate and talk openly. Good mediators can help identify problematic communication patterns and help couples create…

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