What Are the Advantages of Divorce Mediation?

Book with family law and mediation on itMany couples are unaware that divorce mediation offers several advantages over traditional court litigation. It is often less costly and more efficient.

Here are some of the key benefits of using divorce mediation:

Working Together: Mediation encourages couples to cooperate and talk openly. Good mediators can help identify problematic communication patterns and help couples create more effective communication. Working as a team they can create solutions together for better communication and co-parenting.

Taking Control: In mediation, the couple makes the decisions and is actively engaged in the outcome. They don’t have to leave it to a judge to tell them what they have to do.

Saving Money: Mediation is often cheaper than going to court. Couples can save time and money on lawyer fees and other legal expenses by skipping the courtroom drama.

Time-Saver: a Mediated divorce can be a more time-efficient process. The couple has more say in scheduling sessions and can move things along at their own pace.

Privacy Matters: Mediation keeps things private and confidential. Unlike public court hearings, everything that happens in mediation stays between the couple. Even if the couple cannot resolve things in mediation, what happens in mediation still stays in mediation and cannot be used in court. This encourages couples to share openly as they co-create solutions.

Flexibility: Mediation lets couples get creative with problem-solving. They’re free to explore different options and develop unique solutions that fit their situation. In mediation couples are not restricted by the statutes, case law, court rules, and legal precedents that a judge must follow in a court process.

Less Drama, Less Stress: Mediation reduces conflict and makes the process less painful. It creates a supportive environment where both parties can express their concerns and emotions constructively. Mediation is also flexible enough that you can bring in additional professionals as needed: A mental health professional to help you work through some of the intense emotions or a financial professional to model proposed settlements to compare your respective financial situations down the road.

Mediation may not work for all families; however, for couples willing to work together and prioritize cooperation, mediation can give you more control over your divorce journey making it smoother, quicker, and more satisfying.

At Campbell Family Law offices, Kathy Campbell helps her clients divorce differently because they deserve better choices in the outcome.  She only works in the out-of-court processes of mediation, collaborative divorce, and collaborative mediation to provide clients the flexibility they need and want.

Contact Kathy today to see how she can help you and your spouse divorce amicably.

Note: This information is general in nature and should not be construed as legal/financial/tax/or mental health advice. You should work with your attorney, financial, mental or tax professional to determine what will work best for your situation.