What Are the Advantages of Divorce Mediation?
Many couples are unaware that divorce mediation offers several advantages over traditional court litigation. It is often less costly and more efficient. Here are some of the key benefits of using divorce mediation: Working Together: Mediation encourages couples to cooperate and talk openly. Good mediators can help identify problematic communication patterns and help couples create…
Read MoreWho Claims The Kids On Your Taxes When You’re Divorced?
When you and your spouse find yourself divorcing, the changes to your tax return may not occur until AFTER your divorce is finalized. If you are still married at the end of the year, you won’t be able to file taxes using the Single tax filing status. However, if your divorce is finalized by December…
Read MoreAre You Getting Married?
Is marriage strengthening on your to-do list? It should be! Being married for 28 years while practicing family law in the Bay Area for 20 years has taught me a lot about marriage. I know that no amount of premarital counseling covers the bulk of marital conflicts including those that sometimes result in divorce. However,…
Read MoreCollaborative Practice In Family Law When Alcohol Use Is Involved: Audio Interview
Listen to the Interview Here I listened to this interview about collaborative divorce and alcohol use. The interview is helpful. However, collaborative divorce is beneficial to families with many different challenges, not just alcohol use. As a San Jose collaborative divorce attorney, (Certified by the California State Board of Legal Specialization as a Family Law…
Read MoreLessons Learned From Divorce: Curiosity Is Neither Capitulation Nor Compromise
Recently, I heard Tara Brach interview Krista Tippett about compassion. So many gems in that interview paralleled my work as an Insight Mediator in San Jose California. In the interview, Krista talked about the larger divide in our country as she described anger as the public face of fear. Anger, masking fear, is constantly featured…
Read MorePreparing For Divorce: Don’t Fall Prey To Fake News
When preparing for a divorce spouses can say things that make it seem like the sky is falling. All spouses experience some level of fear and uncertainty in divorce. Although those feelings might drive people to make some scary claims, they are usually just exaggerated and incorrect. I call these claims: ‘Fake News: The Divorce…
Read MoreCan You Be Proud Of Your Divorce?
Yes, you most certainly can. While it is neither common nor easy for couples to complete their California divorce in a way they can proudly recount, it is absolutely possible. In the 18 years I have worked as a San Jose divorce attorney I have seen plenty of ‘not-my-best-moment’ behaviors with couples treating one another…
Read MoreHow Does Divorce By Zoom Work?
Going through the divorce process via a virtual video platform such as Zoom works surprisingly well. A divorce by video conference allows us to address issues related to the divorce in real-time, which is particularly important in expediting the entire process. Many of our clients are surprised to discover that most of the work we do as lawyers to prepare a case for divorce can…
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